
Friday, January 24, 2014

100th day of school!

We are 100 days smarter! I can’t believe we have already been in school 100 days! We had so much fun dressing up and celebrating this big day!

Our doorway 

Each student got to choose a balloon. Inside the balloon had a 100 day activity (100 jump and jacks, talk for 100 seconds, dance for 100 seconds etc.) 

We had a parade through the school! The 1st and 2nd graders came to watch. 

We built a tower using 100 cups!

We made 100 day mix! We counted out 10 pieces of each food to make 100 pieces of food in our bags! 

We had a number scavenger hunt through our hallway! Parker, Graham, and Crawford found the most! 

We wrote about what we would do if we had a $100 bill. 

Zero the Hero came to our school! He helped us count to 100! 

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