
Friday, October 23, 2015

Humpty Dumpty

We entered our Humpty Dumpty pumpkin in the Library pumpkin contest! It's all kid made! 

Monday, October 19, 2015

50th day Selfies

50th day of school!

We had so much fun celebrating the 50th day of school! We made coke/root beer floats, learned about the 1950s, took pictures, danced, had a bubble gum contest, and a hula hoop contest! 

Friday, August 14, 2015

First Week

We have had a wonderful first week!
Important Dates:
August 14-All Pro Dads 6:30am
August 18- Independence Day
August 18- Schlotzskys Night 4-8
August 24- Curriculum night 5-6:30 (I strongly encourage you to come)
            5:00-5:30 Eating(more info to come)
            5:30-6:00 Whole group session
            6:00-6:30 Small group teacher session in Mrs. Lett’s room
            *Child care will be provided

September 7- NO SCHOOL

Friday, May 8, 2015

Upcoming Dates

Upcoming Dates:     
~May 11-Library Field Trip
~May 13- Career Day
~May 19-End of the year program 9:45 and picnic

~May 21- Students last day L

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


We are learning about butterflies this week! Today students pretended they were butterflies and used their proboscis (straw) to drink nectar (Apple juice). Students were able to learn the parts of a butterfly as well as experience what it's like to eat like a butterfly! 


Friday was a fun filled day! Students graphed jelly beans by color in math. Destiny won our jelly bean guessing game! She guessed 100 and there were 113! We also paired with our 2nd grade buddies in Mrs. Whites class for our Easter egg hunt! Mrs. Whites class hid the eggs and then helped our class find them! Students demonstrated Habit 1 by being proactive and helping each other! 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Zoo Tour

After a lot of research we made a life size Bengal Tiger! Here is the process: 
Every kindergarten classroom made a zoo animal. Below are all of the zoo animals students learned about! 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Friday, February 27, 2015

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

We read ALL day! We did classroom rotations where students read a Dr. seuss book and made an activity to go with it! At our Dr. Seuss birthday party we had Thing 1 and Thing 2 cotton candy, Cat in the Hat cheese sticks, and Hop on Pop popcorn!

Dental Health

This month is dental health month! We have been learning about having healthy teeth. We sorted foods that were good and bad for our teeth. We pretended to be dentist on playdough bob. We read books about teeth. We also made our own set of teeth, toothbrush, and floss to practice with! 

3D shape party

We had so much fun learning about 3D shapes! At our 3D shape party we had party hats (cone), cheese cubes (cubes), juice box (rectangular prism), straw (cylinder), and donut holes (sphere). 

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Our valentines party was a blast! So much LOVE! 
         Tony won pin the lips on the frog!