
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Apple pies

We have been learning all about apples! Today students made their own apple pies! We went to the cafeteria to bake them! They were delicious!!! 

Pajama day!!!!

We were very comfy today in our pjs! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Apple Tasting

We tasted red,yellow,and green apples! Students voted on their favorite type and then we graphed our results! We found that the majority of our class liked red apples! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Shape Party

Today we had our shape party! 
Our Shape Recipe:
            1 Chocolate Wafer (rectangle)
            2 Nilla Wafers (circles) 
            3 Doritos (Triangles)
            4 Cheez-its (squares)
            5 Oyster Crackers(hexagons)



We used all 5 of our senses! We could see and hear the popcorn popping! We could smell it! We could touch it! Best of all we got to eat it!!!! 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

5 Senses

This week we are learning about our 5 senses. Monday we learned about sight and made glasses to help us “see.” Today we learned about hearing. We went on a nature walk and recorded what we heard. We were like scientist, we even had clip boards J

Friday, September 5, 2014

Executive Chef Leonardo Maurelli, III

Today we had Executive Chef Leonardo Maurelli, III come talk to us about his job! He brought chef hats and yummy strawberry shortcakes for the class!


Fashion Show

Here are a few pictures from our fashion show! If you took any pictures please send them to me J we had so much fun! 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Police Officer

Today we had Officer Horn from the Auburn Police Department come talk to us about his job. We got to sit inside his car!
 Lots of boys and girls want to be just like Officer Horn one day!

                                                                                          He brought several friends with him today! 


Cruz and Griffin were getting "arrested" for making a "bad choice."
Ha Ha ha!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Ambulance Visit

Today we had EMTs come and bring their ambulance! We got to walk through the ambulance!

Fire Fighters

On Tuesday we had the Auburn Fire Fighters come talk to us about their job! We even got to sit inside a fire truck!